How to Select the Right Flooring

The flooring of a room or house significantly impacts how we perceive that space. The right flooring can help tie a room together and the wrong kind can distort the senses. There is no right or wrong floor material; it is all about suitability and your preference. You wouldn’t put a carpet in a bathroom, right? However, some rooms, like basements, would benefit from lush, warm carpeting. 

It doesn’t matter whether you are renovating, moving into a house, or just re-decorating. You need to consider a few things carefully before choosing your flooring. Changing your flooring is more permanent and costly than changing the wallpaper or the drapes.


Will this be a DIY job, or will you need a professional installer or contractor? You can contact an Oahu flooring contractor for a competitive quote if you are in the area. 

Certain flooring materials can only be installed by a professional, while others, like linoleum and vinyl, can be a do-it-yourself job. Going the professional route may seem costly, but you can shop, get quotes and compare. Some contractors add warranties to their work, giving you more assurance than in a DIY job.

If you decide to do it yourself, it can save you money, but only if you do it the right way. Try perfecting your skills in faraway rooms like the basement or spare room, so you can learn from your mistakes before doing a job in a room that will get more traffic. 


If you are changing only the floors, you must consider how the new flooring will fit the current design. It should work well in colour and flow, so don’t get too carried away. Some online stores have a feature where you can take a photo of the existing room and upload it onto their site; from there, you can compare the different flooring options. 


When considering practicality, you must also factor in your living situation. A house with pets and small children would benefit better from plank vinyl floors or laminate flooring that are easy to clean. Kitchens and bathrooms need materials suited to moisture and stains, so tiles are a better option. 

Choosing practical flooring for a space will also save you maintenance costs down the road. This is also an excellent time to consider health issues such as allergies. For example, Carpets trap dust and are not a good idea for someone prone to allergies. 


Your budget will ultimately determine what flooring you get. Try to find a good balance of what type of flooring you want while sticking to the cost you want to play for it. 


Any renovations or additions to your house should increase the resale value. That’s not to say you must sacrifice comfort and aesthetics because you are thinking of a future sale. Pick the flooring you want at the right price and everything after is just icing on the cake.